Friday, February 3, 2012

February 3, 2012

I walked 13 miles in Umstead today with a 39 lb pack, the most mileage with that heavy a pack that I've ever done.

I encountered a Mourning Cloak butterfly this morning.  Not that I knew it this morning, but after I checked the web tonight.  Quoting from the NC Butterfly web site "This is a common, widespread, and familiar butterfly in the northeastern states, but in NC it is not common, though it may be locally numerous in the mountains and Piedmont. It is not one of the butterflies that the average person will encounter, except for those spending considerable time walking through upland woods in spring and fall."   The underlined emphasis is mine.  :)


  1. Looking forward to following along. Let the adventure begin!

  2. I'm enjoying the pictures that you've added to the text. Thought of you as we went through Atlanta last week. It won't be long now until your trek begins!

  3. Hey Jerome,

    Me and my husband(Larry) met you today hiking the Company Mill trail at the Umstead State Park. So, we found you and look forward to following your adventure on the AT.

    God Bless you Jerome!

    Adrian and Larry
