Friday, April 6, 2012

April 6, 2012

I'm here in Hiawassee GA today, taking a zero day.  We arrived yesterday afternoon and got a ride down from Dick's Creek Gap with a hiker we met on the trail whose wife was picking him up.  No room at the cheaper hostel, so Sam - another hiker I've been walking with the past few days - and I are here at the Holiday Inn Express.  Fancy digs for a pair of grungy hikers.  We did try to do our part and did laundry and showered on our arrival yesterday, so at the moment we've lost that rough thruhiker edge.  I weighed in last night on our arrival and after having several sodas and some snacks, and still weighed in at 224 lb.  That's an 18 lb drop in 10 days.  We ate last night at Daniel's Steakhouse, a local  all-you-can-eat buffet for less than $8 and a favorite among the thruhiker community.  After breakfast, we did some resupply shopping at the local IGA, and have since been repacking it and relaxing in our room.  Brother Don will be happy to know that there's another package of SPAM in my stores, this time by personal choice --  go figure.

We looked at some terrain profiles for the next 4 days into Franklin, NC, and things seem to be generally much less steep, both in ascent and descent.  Good thing because the steep descents are taking a bit of a toll on my left knee.  I'm getting a little swelling, but ibuprofen last night followed by ice packs today have taken most of the swelling and soreness out of the knee.

All-in-all, I'm doing well and starting to feel like I might actually grow some trail legs in the next few weeks.

It's great to hear from all of you.



  1. Enjoying your blog. Hope your knee does not cause u too much problem. Stay safe. Bob S

  2. Dear Jerome:
    Happy Easter! We miss you! Things are going well in choir. We have negotiated Maundy Thursday and Easter with some stirring music and now can relax into a more normal schedule for awhile. Whew!

    Take good care of yourself!

  3. Fellow DuPonter here following You. Read all of your posts that same day you gave me your card here at work. Keep on going I'm rooting for You!!


  4. Missed you at the Easter services yesterday, but imagine spending Easter on the AT will be something you will remember for years to come. Hope the knees hold out. Be safe.

  5. Easter morning on the trail was special. We were camped at Bly Gap in NC and early that morning a pair of planes coordinated to form a giant cross with their contrails. After a tough climb to start NC, we had brunch with a group of trail angels who set-up at Deep Gap, NC and were serving omelets and sandwiches to the hikers. I'm here in Franklin NC at the moment and will try to update my blog post tonight.

    Jerome = AYATORI

  6. I'm glad to know that you are not alone out there on the trail. Sounds like you need to eat a bit more. Looking forward to your next post.

