Sunday, December 25, 2011

December 25, 2011

No training today.  Merry  Christmas to all!


  1. Keep on trekking. Am reading into the woods by bill Bryson about the AT.

  2. What a time with shoes! How many pairs will you need?

  3. lol Bill Bryson's book is a good comedy and an interesting read, but I've yet to meet an AT hiker who really feels that it's representative. But I just pulled it out again and reread a few parts of it. Especially the first day on the trail.

    I've heard of people who've hiked the trail in as few as 2 pairs, and people who have needed 5 or 6 pairs. I'm heading to an AT training class at the local REI on Jan 16, and will be asking the same question. The guy who's leading the class started in heavy boots, and switched after less than a week to trail running shoes and completed his thruhike in them. We'll see.
