Friday, February 24, 2012

February 23, 2012

It's been almost 3 weeks since I've last updated the blog.  I've been spending my time with a 40 lb pack, hiking the trails in Umstead State Park, with an occasional foray to the Uwharries.

This past week I put in 3 consecutive days  of 9, 9, and 11.5 miles at Umstead.  That's putting me pretty close to the distance (if  not the difficulty) of the AT from its southern terminus at Springer Mtn to the NC border.  I plan on doing the 'Approach Trail' from the Amicalola Falls State Park to Springer, which adds another 8 miles before I set foot in NC after I start.

It's been relatively warm here the past few weeks with highs on many days reaching 60+ F.  So there are lots of changes becoming apparent in the woods.

Sycamore Creek Umstead SP, Feb-2012
Moss in the creek has taken on a distinctive emerald green hue  and little bluet flowers are showing up on the trail.

Bluet flower at Umstead SP Feb-2012

Moss in Crabtree Creek, Umstead SP Feb-2012
On Thursday, I spotted a little bird flitting in the holly along Crabtree Creek.  I couldn't see what it was, but I took somephotos using my new camera with its 18x telephoto lens and got the attached photo.  I confirmed with the folks at the NC Museum of Natural Science that it's a golden-crowned kinglet.

Golden-crowned kinglet, Umstead SP  2-23-2012
I now have just over 4 weeks before I take the Greyhound to Atlanta, spend the night with the folks at Hiker Hostel, and actually begin walking the AT on March 27.   I'm psyched.

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