Friday, February 24, 2012

February 24, 2012

So what's with this 'ayatori' thing?  I've decided to try to nip less-than-complimentary trail names in the bud by choosing my own.  Who knows if it will stick, but it's better than simply accepting something based on my known propensity for snoring and odiferous shoes.

Folks who have been around me for any length of time have seen me pull a string out of my pocket to do string figures, play cat's cradle, or do little tricks to amuse myself.  I'm rarely without a string and will undoubtedly carry (at least) one with me on the trail.

Ayatori is the Japanese name for cat's cradle, and something that I enjoyed sharing with Japanese friends, colleagues, and many Japanese kids on the commuting trains and buses.  Ayatori is what I've chosen to be known as on the trail.  We'll see if it sticks.  Attached are a few photos of my many string amusements.

'Ten Men'

'Lei Flower'

'The Pig'

So, ayatori it is.

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